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What is Disparate Treatment? Disparate Treatment involves direct discriminatory treatment of an employee by the employer (or the employer's representative). The plaintiff must convince the court that the employer intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff. The plaintiff may demonstrate intent by showing that discrimination is a substantial or...
1 min reading timeWhat are Brand Advocates? We can't fully control publicity because that would mean having some way of controlling what people say about us. One thing we can do to try to encourage positive publicity or sort of manage publicity is encourage what we call brand advocates. In other words, we can try to encourage people to demonstrate their support for ...
0 min reading timeWhat are Friends and Family Shares? Friends and family share refers to a program that offers a company's shares to persons such as employees, friends, and family before the company is listed. The program allows these individuals to have a stake in the business, which enables them to generate wealth for their loyalty and hard work. These shares usual...
1 min reading timeWhat is a Functional Strategy? A functional strategy, also known as a “departmental strategy”, concerns each organizational function, and how that organizational unit or division assigned that function will achieve its strategic objectives (a part of the business/competitive strategy). It generally does this by improving or maximizing efficiency a...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Spinoff? A spinoff refers to a process of creating a new company from an existing one through the division or separation of a subsidiary from a parent company. A spinoff can also occur when a new product is created from an old one, either through the modification of the old product or the creation of a new product. A spinoff is otherwise ...
1 min reading timeWhat is a Corporate Charter? A charter is a legal document authorized by a state to recognize the creation of a corporate business entity. Some states issue a Certificate of incorporation, rather than a charter. The charter generally bears the seal of the state of organization, the name of the company, its entity designation (such as Inc., Ltd, Corp...
2 min reading timeWhat is the Organization of American States (OAS)? The Organization of American States, OAS is a continental organization established on 30 April 1948 to foster regional cooperation and solidarity among member countries. The OAS comprises the 35 independent states of the Americas with headquarters in Washington DC, capital of the United States. What...
1 min reading timeWhat is Egocentricism? The term egocentrism refers to a person's inability to comprehend that views or opinions may be different from their own. More specifically, it is a cognitive bias that limits one's understanding of others to her own perspective. Egocentricism as a concept was developed in Piaget's theory of childhood development. How does ...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Joint Life with Last Survivor Annuity? Joint life with Last Survivor annuity is an insurance plan that allows the beneficiaries (annuitants) to receive contractual payments. If one beneficiary passes away, the second covered beneficiary receives payments until death. This type of insurance plan always requires two or more annuitants (usual...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Monopsony? A competitive labor market is one where there are many potential employers for a given type of worker, say a secretary or an accountant. Suppose there is only one employer in a labor market. Because that employer has no direct competition in hiring, if they offer lower wages than would exist in a competitive market, employees w...
0 min reading time