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What is Codetermination? Codetermination is an arrangement in which the management works together with the workers when making decisions relating to issues in their workplace and even voting for representatives. In developed democracies, there are laws that require workers to have a say in the voting of representatives. Codetermination laws apply i...
2 min reading timeHow does Government Borrowing Affect Private Savings? A change in government budgets may impact private saving. Imagine that people watch government budgets and adjust their savings accordingly. For example, whenever the government runs a budget deficit, people might reason: “Well, a higher budget deficit means that I’m just going to owe more taxes ...
1 min reading timeWhat is Bartlett's Test? The Bartlett's Test is a method used in statistics to evaluate whether variances are similar or equal in the available samples. Bartlett's Test statistics tests for equality of variances across population. Bartlett's Test was named after a statistician, M. S. Bartlett because of a paper he published in 1937. This method is u...
2 min reading timeWhat is a Staple Thesis? The staple thesis was developed because of the noticeable economic development in Canada, but the thesis can also be applied in different countries. The thesis follows that traditional commodities or staple products contribute immensely to the actualization of a wealthy economy. In other words, the thesis is a theory that ai...
1 min reading timeWhat is the I-9 Form? Form I-9 is referred to as a form of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is the official Employment Eligibility Verification which the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 mandated. This form is utilized in the verification of legal permission to work and the identity of all paid employees in the U....
3 min reading timeWhat is a Non-Solicitation Agreement? It is an agreement typically signed between an employer and employee that restricts the employee from soliciting the clients or other employees after leaving the current job. The employees of a company have access to the client list of the company. After leaving the job, an employee may approach the clients of h...
2 min reading timeWhat is Worker's Compensation Coverage A? Workers compensation coverage A safeguards interests of workers under state laws and offers cover for medical care, rehab, disability, and death benefits in case the workers get injured, disabled, or dead at work. The insurer compensates and offers benefits as per the employers workers compensation laws for ...
2 min reading timeWhat is the Insider-Outsider Model? The insider-outsider model of the labor force, in simple terms, argues that those already working for firms are “insiders,” while new employees, at least for a time, are “outsiders.” A firm depends on its insiders to keep the organization running smoothly, to be familiar with routine procedures, and to train new e...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Beneficial Interest? A beneficial interest refers to the right to get benefits on assets held by a different party. The beneficial interest often relates to issues addressing trust accounts. For instance, most beneficial interest arrangements take the form of trust accounts, in which an individual, the beneficiary, has vested interest in T...
1 min reading timeWhat is a Trustee's Acceptance of Office? A trustee is an individual or an organization that has the responsibility of administering a property for specific purposes. An acceptance of office by a trustee refers to the consent of a trustee (an individual or an organization) to legally assume administrative duties of a property or real estate on behal...
1 min reading time