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What is performance of a contract? Performance of a contract relieves a person from further duties under the contract. There are three levels of performance: Complete Performance, Substantial Performance, and Breach. What is Complete Performance of a Contract? Complete performance by a party means that the contracting party has fulfilled every duty ...
2 min reading timeWhat is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA)? Certified Management Accountant or CMA is a recognized credential with unique attention on corporate finance and management accounting. What does a Certified Management Accountant Do? Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is a recognition granted to accountants who have positioned themselves in areas ...
1 min reading timeWhat is Private Equity? Private equity is a broad term that refers to various classes of equity financing arrangements (such as venture capital investment). More specifically, however, private equity refers to the class of equity financing. Private equity refers to investments in mid-to-large companies by private equity firms. These firms often pur...
1 min reading timeWhat is Regulation U? Regulation U was promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for preventing the excessive use of credit for the purchase or carrying of securities. The regulation was adopted in the response of the stock market crash in 1929. After the crash, the Federal Reserve System was authorized under Section 7 of t...
1 min reading timeWhat is Cradle to Grave? Cradle to Grave, or Lifecycle Assessment (LCA), is a methodology used to evaluate natural effects linked to all the phases in the life of the product from obtaining of raw materials, processing of these materials, manufacturing, dissemination, usage, maintenance, and repair, and selling or reusing. Normally, this procedure i...
3 min reading timeWhat are the Levels of Operations Management The organization of operations management can be categorized into three specific levels: strategic/top level/longterm management Tactical/functional/medium term/middle level management Operational/short-term management What is Strategic Management? Strategic management is high-level management of the orga...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Board of Trustees? Board of Trustees is a group of individuals that oversee the affairs of an organization. Board of trustees is often appointed or elected to supervise the management of an organization. Board of Trustees can be found in a business, an organization, a non-profit firm, a government agency or any corporate firm. Members of t...
3 min reading timeWhat Factors Affect the Strategic Objectives in a Negotiation? Commonly understood factors affecting a negotiation include: Cognitive Disposition Communication Ability Trust, Relationships Ethics Multiple Parties in the Negotiation Cross-Cultural Nature of Negotiation Medium of the Negotiation Each of these are discussed below. Cognitive Disposition...
2 min reading timeWhat is Res Judicata? Res Judicata is a legal expression meaning that the civil legal dispute between the parties to litigation is decided. How does Res Judicata Work? Res Judicata is a principle prevents successive lawsuits involving the same facts or occurrence. A plaintiff may not sue the defendant for the same conduct under the same or a separ...
0 min reading timePlanning the Written and Spoken Message Planning written and spoken communications depends on the following four steps: Determining the Purpose and Channel Envisioning the Audience Adapting the Message to the Audience (Ethic, Point of View, etc.) Organizing the Message Determining the Purpose and Channel This step is broken down into two undertaking...
9 min reading time