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What is ownership of Property? Ownership is a concept closely related to property. It is the legally recognized and enforceable rights that a person has to property. This concept is important because it is possible to possess property and not own it. For example, you find a valuable item on the side of the road and you cannot determine the owner. Y...
1 min reading timeWhat is Venture Debt? Emerging companies often need venture capital to start, grow and maintain their business, this is why they seek funds from venture capitalists (investors). Venture debt is a type of financing that is made available for companies that already have the backing of venture capital firms or emerging companies. Firms that provide eq...
2 min reading timeWhat are Managerial Skills? The work of Taylor left open room for determining what skills or abilities a manager should possess to successfully carry out the functions they employ. Theorist Robert L. Katz (1933-2010), is known for providing a framework for understanding managerial skills. Katz's Managerial Skills Katz, in his 3 Skills Taxonomy, ca...
0 min reading timeHow Bias Causes Ethical Problems in Negotiation? Numerous cognitive biases stand in the way of individuals determining or choosing what is an ethical course of conduct. Below are some common biases related to ethics. What is Bounded Ethicality? Bounded Ethicality refers to the limits of people to make ethical decisions because they are either un...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Structured Problem and an Unstructured Problem? Organizational decisions can be further categorized based upon the nature of the problem faced. What are Structured Problems? Structured problems are routine in nature. They commonly occur in a similar or recognizable way within the organization. In this way, structured problems are easily ...
0 min reading timeWhat are the major antitrust laws in the United States? Since the inception of antitrust law, the Federal Government has passed three sweeping antitrust laws: The Sherman Act of 1890, The Clayton Act of 1914, and The Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914. These acts still provide the primary sources of antitrust law effective today. They have been su...
0 min reading timeWhat is a Conversion Ratio? The conversion ratio refers to the number of shares that is obtainable after converting a certain denomination or convertible security into common shares. Hence, the conversion ration outlines the sum of common shares that was received or obtained after the conversion of a number of convertible securities. Conversion rat...
1 min reading timeWhat is a Private Investment Company? Private investment companies are not covered under the section 3C1 of the 1940 Investment Company Act. They are not required to register with Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) but their investors and investments in stocks or bonds are limited. A private Investment company is made up of a minimum of 100 inves...
0 min reading timeWhat is an Advertising Allowance? An advertising allowance refers to money (allowance) that manufacturers of products pay retailers to publicize their products. Advertising allowance comes in diverse forms, while some manufacturers or service providers pay money to retailers, others offer retailers discounts on products or service purchased as a for...
1 min reading timeWhat are Hard and Soft Skills? Hard skills are a set of skills or expertise that employees need to carry out a job successfully. Hard skills are often specific to a particular job, and employers list them in the job descriptions when advertising jobs online. Examples of hard skills include: language proficiency, machine operation, typing skills, p...
0 min reading time